Get it, before it gets you!
Do you realize you are being manipulated? Or are you oblivious? Do you know who or what is manipulating you? Can you identify the manipulation? If you can identify it, can you do anything about it? How is manipulation affecting you? Can you change these effects? Can you use them to your advantage?
Success through Manipulation delves deeply into how you think and how your mind reacts to your environment, friends, family, work, and much more.
Learn how to stop reacting, become consciously aware and take control of your mind. Manipulate your thinking and become more successful.
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Read the foreword by best selling author Steve Siebold:
Colin Christopher offers a fresh perspective to personal development and mind manipulation. As a world-class clinical hypnotherapist, he shares the unequaled power of the subconscious mind in a way that is certain to shake the rafters of conventional self-help wisdom.
This book breaks down the mental laws one by one and offers a clear and concise understanding of a complex and often confusing subject.
Whether you wish to earn more money, get in shape or enjoy more enriching relationships, this book will detail the subconscious strategy required to turn your dreams into reality.
Don’t let the word manipulation turn you off. The truth is we are all being mentally and emotionally manipulated every day of our lives, sometimes by others and more often by ourselves. Some of this manipulation serves our best interests; such as the emotional self-manipulation of motivating ourselves to stick to a budget, exercise more or eat less. Just as often we experience negative manipulation that holds us back and keeps us from realizing our own potential.
The difference lies in understanding the mind mechanics behind the manipulation and directing that knowledge to help us become our best selves.
This book takes you behind the scenes and dissects the laws that create both positive and negative results. Colin explains these laws in easy to follow, layman’s terms that anyone can follow and immediately put into practice. As you read and study these laws you will find yourself both shocked and surprised at their simplicity and at the personal and professional impact of fully understanding them.
Most personal development books repeat the same principles over and over, but Success Through Manipulation cuts through the clutter and elevates self-help to a new level. This is Psycho-Cybernetics for the 21st century.
As a successful author and professional speaker, I have a backstage pass to the best of the best in the industry, and Colin Christopher was the first person I called when a family member was experiencing trouble relaxing and sleeping. Within days the problem began to dissipate and a few months later it had completely disappeared.
Colin understands mind manipulation at a higher level than anyone I’ve ever seen, and his extensive knowledge is carefully detailed in this book.
Study his work, set your goals and get ready for the best results of your life!
Steve Siebold
Author, How Rich People Think
December 25, 2012
Download and enjoy the first 5 chapters of Colin’s book for FREE now!